Patriots Run MT

Welcome to the Patriots Run Montana Chapter

America has more voter fraud and stolen elections than many third-world countries, and all of this has happened because Democrats took control of key positions and our Republican leaders in office were too weak to do their jobs. As a result our state political offices, and our Presidency, has been stolen from us. The Patriots Run Project was started to help conscious conservatives stand up and hold the elites in both parties and save our nation from destruction.

Why We Stand

Montana is a land of wide open spaces, hard-working people, and strong conservative values. We are proud of our traditions, our commitment to individual liberties, and our deep respect for the Constitution. Big Sky Patriots is a platform dedicated to preserving and promoting these values while pushing back against the Uniparty threat.

What is the Uniparty & How are they harming America?

The Uniparty is the cabal of elites occupying powerful positions in both the Democrat and Republican Parties, who operate to serve globalist interests of their anti-American corporate interests rather than hard-working, traditional American families.

It’s an insidious alliance between establishment Democrats and Republicans meant to undermine our righteous values. This alliance seeks to erode our Constitutional rights and disregard the will of everyday Americans. They promote globalist agendas, undermine our borders, and drown our nation in debt, all while using mainstream media to manipulate public opinion. We, the people of Montana, refuse to stand idly by as our great nation is compromised.

Our Values


The integrity of our elections is the bedrock of our democracy. We must be vigilant against any attempts to manipulate or undermine the electoral process. In recent years, we’ve seen evidence of voter fraud, irregularities, and potential foreign interference. We must fight to secure our elections and ensure the voices of Montanans and Americans are heard loud and clear.


As Montanans, we cherish the rights enshrined in our Constitution – the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to live free from government tyranny. Big Sky Conservatives works tirelessly to defend these rights against the Uniparty’s constant encroachment. We believe that a strong America depends on a free and empowered citizenry.


We believe in the sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death. Montanans have a long tradition of caring for the most vulnerable among us. We stand for the right to life, fighting for the unborn and supporting policies that promote the dignity and value of every human being.


We’ve seen the destruction and chaos wrought by extremist groups like ANTIFA and BLM in cities across America, including right here in Montana. These groups undermine the rule of law and threaten our communities with violence and intimidation. We stand in support of our law enforcement officers and advocate for law and order, ensuring the safety and security of our families and neighbors.


The overreach of government and unelected bureaucrats in our medical decisions has gone too far. We Montanans value our independence and the right to make informed choices about our health. We oppose forced vaccinations, invasive tracking systems, and other forms of medical tyranny that infringe upon our personal freedoms.

We Need You


Conservative voices are needed now more than ever to combat the Uniparty’s destructive agenda. We encourage fellow Montanans to run for political office at all levels – from local school boards to the halls of Congress. By taking a stand and fighting for our values, we can make a real difference in our communities and our nation. Together, we can preserve the Montana way of life and protect the future of our great country.

Now our very way of life is under threat, assaulted from all sides. We must open our eyes and face the tyranny already occupying our government offices. It’s time to rise, it’s time to run. Learn more about our growing movement by reaching out.